A defining moment for many women during their pregnancy is when they discover if they are having a baby boy or girl. Mothers can typically find out the sex of their baby as soon as 16 weeks. Since the position of the baby during an ultrasound can vary, it may take a few more visits before the technician can absolutely tell.
To quell the incessant guessing of well-intentioned friends and family, have some fun with these anecdotal methods before the big gender reveal.
- CRAVINGS: Sweet cravings have been said to be caused by girls, while salty and sour could mean it’s a boy.
- BELLY BUMP: If the baby “bump” position sits high, it might be a girl. If the belly sits low, it could be a boy.
- THE RING TEST: Swing a ring on a string over the mother’s belly. If the ring moves back and forth, it might be a girl. If the ring swings in circles, it could be a boy.
- DOPPLER HEARTBEAT: Take note of the baby’s heartbeat during the Doppler test. A heartbeat of 140 bpm and above may indicate a baby girl, while a rate below 140 may mean the baby is a boy.
- SWEET DREAMS: If mom dreams she is having a boy, she could be having a girl. The same thing works vice-versa, if she dreams of a girl, she could be having a baby boy.
- ASK A TODDLER: It has been said if toddler boys are interested in a mom’s belly, it will be a boy. Same thing goes for girls interested in their mother’s belly!
If you can’t wait for the ultrasound to fill your life with pink or blue, do-it-yourself drug store urine tests and laboratory DNA testing might give you the results you are looking for. More invasive Amnio and Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) can also provide gender results early on, but are not recommended unless the pregnancy is considered at high risk for having genetic or chromosomal abnormalities. Make sure to discuss your options with your doctor for choosing the safest route for you.